Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Praying mantis study

In late Sept. I saw a praying mantis in Maryland (see recent post). The common name comes from the prayer-like stance, and is often mispelled "preying" mantis--since they are often predatory. Mantis in Greek means a fortune teller. The female often devours the male after mating. The "live" photo complements the exhibit that is at the Atrium Art Gallery at University of Southern Maine's Lewiston-Auburn College. It's called "Spineless Wonders: Invertebrates as Inspiration" and celebrates the diversity of species for the 150th anniversary of "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin. Several other praying mantis', made of many materials (from copper to wool to ceramics), are exhibited and all capture the special form and awe of this insect.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween in Maryland

Just came back from Maryland, visiting family. We had planned to visit Harper's Ferry in WV (John Brown's attack on slavery) and Antietam (the battle that ended the Confederate's 1st invasion in the north) ..BUT... with the rain, we did a car tour and ended up previewing Halloween instead. Here are a few photos to prove it.